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Aside from affecting your appearance, misaligned teeth can cause difficulty cleaning between teeth, an increased risk of gum disease, and even problems with chewing and speaking. At Peerzada Smiles, we have a cosmetic treatment for crooked teeth that can transform your smile: Invisalign®.

What is Invisalign® and How Does it Work?

Invisalign® is an orthodontic treatment that offers an alternative to traditional braces. It consists of a series of custom-made plastic aligners that are almost invisible when worn over your teeth. Over time, they shift your teeth into the desired position.

The process begins with a consultation, where our orthodontist will assess your dental condition. If Invisalign® is deemed suitable for your case, we will create a personalized treatment plan.

You will receive a series of clear aligners, each designed to move your teeth closer to their ideal alignment. You have to wear each set of aligners for about 20-22 hours a day, only removing them for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.

Which Issues Can Invisalign® Fix?

  • Slightly Crooked teeth
  • Mild overcrowding
  • Spacing
  • Overbites and underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Open Bites

How Long Does an Invisalign® Treatment Typically Take?

The duration of Invisalign® treatment varies from case to case. Typically, it can range from 6 months to 2 years. Your specific treatment timeline will be determined during your initial consultation at Peerzada Smiles.

For the treatment to work, you also need to be consistent and wear your aligners every day.

Can Anyone Get Invisalign® Treatment?

Invisalign® is suitable for many individuals, but not all cases can be treated with it. When dental issues are more intricate, such as severe malocclusions, extensive bite problems, or cases requiring tooth extractions, Invisalign® may not be the best treatment.

Complex orthodontic cases may call for alternative approaches, including traditional braces or surgical interventions.

To determine if Invisalign® is the right solution for you, our orthodontists will evaluate your dental condition and provide personalized recommendations.

Looking to Improve Your Smile with Invisalign®?

If you're interested in Invisalign® treatment to achieve your dream smile, don't hesitate to reach out to Peerzada Smiles. Contact us today to book an appointment and see if Invisalign® is the right choice for you.

*Invisalign®, the Invisalign logo, and iTero®, among others, are trademarks and/ or service marks of Align Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and may be registered in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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